Saturday, February 15, 2020

Finding A SEO Company in Canada

The best way to find a good search engine marketing company is by searching on the city, province, state or country for key words like E.G.. “Toronto search engine optimization”, “Ontario search engine optimization” etc. and listing the companies that are coming up on the first page consistently for different searches. After all if they can’t place their own site how likely is it that they can place yours?

Ignore Ad Words at the top of the page listing (Sponsored Ads) for the purpose of this exercise because capable SEO companies Canada should be able to place themselves for their main “search engine marketing” or “search engine optimization” theme without resorting to pay per click keyword bidding. In addition you should check testimonials and actually talk to customers that they have worked with as references. You might also just ask for a list of sites that they have built and check the placement of those sites. Last but not least compare prices and packages.

Make sure you are not locked into a contract that never ends. Some of the big brand telecommunications and media companies have moved into the search marketing business as a logical step to their web hosting services.These are the guys that phone you all the time and knock on your door and they do a poor job, so don’t waste your time with them. Advertising agencies who usually sub out their SEO services are also not a very good idea for several reasons because 1/ you pay their mark up 2/ they don’t know the business and a lot gets lost in translation when you can’t talk to the actual SEO developer 3/ you have no control over the quality and capability of the SEO contractor that the work gets sub contracted out to someone else.

And if you really like to gamble go with a company that subs out work to offshore shops in India, Pakistan, China or Philippines. Insist on talking to the SEO developer yourself and not just a sales agent. Ask tough questions and it won’t take you long to see if they really seem to know their stuff.